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Het Forum

Voor het gemak neem ik even aan dat ik niet de enige persoon ben die wat vaker geïrriteerd raakt in deze tijd van regeltjes en virologen die overal uit de struiken kruipen om ons voor te lichten met een keur aan tegenstrijdige berichten.

Nu heb ik van nature al een kort lont, dus ik zou mij eigenlijk helemaal niet op social media, door mij steevast afgekort als SM, moeten begeven. Ik beschik bovendien over een zeker talent om mensen diep te kwetsen met meningen die ik zelf als bijzonder zuiver, eerlijk en oprecht zie.

Toch ontkom ik niet aan mijn dagelijkse portie SM, want mensen schijnen nu eenmaal te denken dat hun platform het enige platform van enig belang is en als ze je willen benaderen doen ze dat vanaf hun voorkeursplatform. Heel onhandig is het om mij iets te schrijven via Instagram, want dan moet ik mijn leesbril zoeken. Ik heb er meestal wel een stuk of tien her en der door het huis verspreid liggen, maar ik vind ze zelden, tenzij ik er per ongeluk bovenop ga staan.

Heb ik dan zo een half uurtje tevergeefs lopen zoeken naar mijn leesbril, dan heb ik de persoon in kwestie in gedachten al minstens twee, of drie keer gekielhaald, gevierendeeld of in de traditie van Count Vlad The Impaler over een scherpe paal laten zakken.

Dat is het voordeel van een ruime fantasie, want tegen de tijd dat ik ga antwoorden met leesbril op de neus, ben ik weer helemaal rustig en luister ik braaf naar wat men mij zoal te melden heeft, ook al had ik veel liever een E-mail gekregen, die ik op een tijdstip dat het mij uitkwam, zou kunnen beantwoorden.

Maar ik snap de makers van social media wel. Zelf heb ik midden jaren 90 een forum beheerd met een paar duizend vaste bezoekers. Niemand op zo’n forum wil dan gekwetst raken en daar heb je dan in het begin moderators voor die al te botte reacties op posts verwijderen of nare gebruikers blokkeren, maar al snel krijg je in de gaten dat een sociaal platform waar alles pais en vree is na een tijdje voor niemand meer interessant is. Het merendeel van de mensheid heeft nu eenmaal een licht masochistische inslag.

Voordat je het weet ben je overal waar het maar enigszins mogelijk is, bezig conflicten te laten escaleren, want dat levert pas echt resultaten op in de statistieken. Heb je een beetje ‘n rottig karakter, zoals ik, dan kun je binnen een paar dagen je bezoekersaantal verdubbelen door de zwakste mensen in de groep af en toe een trapje na te geven.

Dat werkt ongeveer hetzelfde als in klaslokalen waar het afzeiken van de zwakste leerling altijd voor veel hilariteit en een prettig gevoel van saamhorigheid zorgt. Dat daar dan iemand voor opgeofferd moest worden is van secundair belang. Het collectief vraagt nu eenmaal altijd om offers.

Dorsey van Twitter en Zuckerberg van Facebook hebben dat basisidee tot ongekende hoogte of diepte – hoe u het ook maar wilt zien – uitgewerkt. Het is vrijwel onmogelijk meer dan een uur posts te bekijken zonder op z’n minst licht gedeprimeerd te raken. Je maakt een stofje in je hersenen aan dat voor die mineurstemming zorg draagt en dat stofje is, zoals alle stofjes die je hersenen beïnvloeden, bijzonder verslavend.

Voordat u het weet zit u toch voor de vijfde keer naar het filmpje te kijken van een zwarte man die door een handvol agenten gewurgd wordt. Dit terwijl u net zo braaf bezig bent geweest om uw avondmaaltijd zo mooi mogelijk te fotograferen, waarmee u 16 ‘likes’ of ‘loves’ scoorde bij mensen die medelijden met uw kookkunsten hebben, terwijl de gewurgde man overal viraal gaat. Gewoon omdat iemand dood zien gaan nu eenmaal veel interessanter is dan uw Spaghetti Bolognese met een verkeerd gekozen wijntje erbij.

Hoed u voor uw eigen brein, het staat dag en nacht klaar om u via uw telefoon of tablet een naar gevoel te bezorgen.

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An experiment

All the works currently exhibited in The Hague at ZonMw have tiny cards with title and year attached to them. You have seen cards like that at almost every exhibit. The experiment was to add QR-codes to these cards. People can scan these codes with their phone. Their phone will then connect with a specific page on my website. There are 30 works connecting to 30 pages on this website. These pages have more photographs and some extra textual background information.

Quite a nerdy experiment. I can look at stats now from my home to see what is happening over there. Not in much detail of course. I can however see if people (anonymous to me) are interested enough to draw their phone and connect.

I am not sure what to think of it, yet. The results give very little insight so far, but it is fun. The ‘homo ludens’ in me is having a wonderful time.

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New Exhibit: GENDER!

Starting January 30th until the end of March I will be exhibiting a series of photographs in The Hague. The show will be in the main hall and on the first floor of ZonMw and is organised by its department for Gender and Health.

Statistics tell me that 90% of the visitors of this site are from the Netherlands and for those of you there is a sneak below. Since I hate to disappoint people, I will be posting the photographs of the GENDER! exhibit on this site in the coming weeks.

And here is your sneak peak of the exhibit, filmed by my son, Max.


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Bill Haley at

Bill Haley 1979

Getting older as a photographer has some real advantages. Photography is like good wine. It gets better with age. Occasionally somebody contacts me using the web form to ask if they can use a picture I made 20, 30 or even 40 years ago. Which is what happened last week.

And again it was one of the photographs I made for a series called Rockers in the late Seventies. A portrait of Bill Haley taken in a dressing room for a really low budget magazine in 1979. I forgot the title of the magazine and I remember working for free, which was not as common in the 1970s as it is today. Nowadays if you produce a two or four page spread for a high end glossy magazine, you will no doubt get a snotty editor on the phone who will explain that it is good publicity for your work if you do it for free.

Publishing today is a wonderful world inhabited by a surplus of creepy marketing/sales people, yet very few people who can actually create content.

In this particular case I was approached by and they actually asked for a license, instead of just stealing the picture. Asking for permission to use copyright protected material today is as rare as the sighting of an albino lion in the midst of the Swiss Alps.

So I immediately felt sympathy for them and I sent the picture for free. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Yes!

I really loved their site. I saw some old pictures of people I photographed in the past like Al Goldstein and Charlie Cracie. I immediately felt at home. Great articles too!


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1971 photograph

People often tell me I am obsessed with sexuality. I do not think that is true, although I must admit I am intensely fascinated by people who are not middle of the road.

The photograph above, taken in 1971 when I was only sixteen may lead the viewer to think I was a depressed adolescent, but the opposite was true. I was happy. I spent my time chasing girls who were into hockey and who dressed in mohair sweaters, plaid skirts and penny shoes. I had the time of my life.

But of course I knew very well how contemporary photography should look like. So, with my first camera, a Russian Zenith-E I tried to copy the works of photographers I admired.

Come to think of it, I always seem to post my oldest works in the news section. Maybe I should create a page for these older works.

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Angelina Loqui

I am still working on the Third Gender series, and I will probably be working on this project for the rest of the year. Not because it is hard to find the right models, but I am no expert at socializing on networks, and I am quite strict when it comes to making appointments.

Call me old-fashioned, but I expect people to show up when I make an appointment. The queens I work with are often real diva’s. At least half of those who are offered a free shoot to participate in the book will at least cancel the shoot once. I experienced this before in photographing drag queens, so I have learned to refuse rescheduling shoots. An attitude that slows down production quite dramatically, but accepting endless rescheduling is not workable either.

But the upside of working with diva’s is that they are often very creative and fun to work with. Scheduling models for the 21st Century Madonnas series involving nudity was quite time-consuming too. There are currently enough horror stories about photographers on the web to demotivate most people to pose.

Angelina, however, is one of those people who will always keep appointments and I absolutely love working with her.

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Stage photography

I am a studio photographer at heart. I like to control the lights, I love neutral backgrounds because there is no distraction of the person photographed. Of course, it also has a timeless quality to it that I like. Seeing a photograph of a model photographed in an empty factory or an abandoned building automatically dates the photograph back to somewhere between 1995 and 2010. The older photographers and collectors will always recognize a 1970s photograph by the doom and gloom clouds above the subject and the excessive use of wide-angle lenses.

Working on the book ‘The Third Gender’ I realize I cannot get away with the use of studio portraits only, so there will be a lot of behind the scenes photography to illustrate how the project evolved. Also – and here comes the hard part for me – I will have to go out to do stage and event photography. I have very little experience with that, but I noticed it has become a lot easier with digital cameras, thanks to the high ISO values one can work with.

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The Third Gender

There are already some previews on my Facebook profile and this site. It is probably the largest project I ever embarked on. It is my aim to photograph at least a hundred persons who express themselves with a total lack of conventions when it comes to gender stereotypes.

In a way this project is the continuation of a series I started in 1978 with photographs of drag queens, transvestites and transgenders. The old material paired with the recent photographs will form the framework for a book to be published in 2019.

For this project I will be teaming up with my son Max van der Kamp who has always been a great supporter of my work. He is an art director at heart and he will be doing the design of this publication. Please check out his website for more information.

If you would like to be photographed for this publication, please do not hesitate to contact me!

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The New Site

This new site is a make-over of the old one dating back to 2016. Although the previous one was responsive, this one is even better for use on phones and tablets. I am no fan of smartphones, but I do like to adjust to people visiting my site.

Also, this site is way easier for me to update and I sincerely hope I will have more updates in 2018. You will find four new sections in the portfolio:

21st Century Madonnas – My take on blasphemy
Mistresses – A selection of photographs I made for Dominatrices over the last three years
The Russians Are Coming! – A satirical approach to the Cold War revival
Dollification – About human dolls. A series in need of expansion

I hope you will appreciate this new set-up, and I hope to hear from you soon!

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A promise kept

While doing the make-over of this site, I found a post about Dollification. In that text, I promised to feature dolls in my portfolio. As I now realize, I never did.

Maybe this was caused by a lack of models. Dolls are hard to find. It is easy enough to turn any human into a doll, but I am no fashion photographer. I am always looking for real people doing what they love to do.

At age 50 I decided to start photographing all fetishes. A project I naively calculated to take at least five years. Now I understand that no photographer will ever finish such a job even if he had nine lives like a cat. But the process in itself is a wonderful journey too.

Today I posted a portfolio page with dolls. I will be adding more photographs along the way.

Click here to go to the Dollification page.